
I’ve been making YouTube videos since 2009, and for me, it’s played a major role in developing my video editing and graphic production skills. The best way to get better at something, of course, is to keep doing it – and that’s exactly what YouTube does for me.
Most of my action/compositing knowledge came about in school when I was producing video with my friends – but it’s YouTube that really started to exercise the way my videos appear to people. Getting videos to have a consistent theme with smooth visual elements that provide the viewer with the information they want, in an interesting manner, is one of the things that I really began to grasp while producing videos for Intelligic and Uploadthedownload.
While my vlogging channel, Benjamin Nelan, has allowed (and will allow) me to explore a vastly large genre of content, and train my skills in camera operation and filming short films – my other channels have contributed to my editing skills far more considerably. The production of Intelligic gaming videos helped me discover better ways of implementing multiple video feeds into a video project – yet still being able to edit with as little fiddling as possible. Upload the Download videos on the other hand have driven forward my knowledge of motion graphics and animation. My goal for Upload the Download has been to have a kind of ‘User Interface’ that is used throughout each and every video.

This one interface has to remain consistent in the way it behaves, yet provide a lot of functionality in what information it can display, depending on what the video is about. Upload the Download’s title sequence also references to ‘UtDOS’ – as in ‘Upload the Download Operating System’ – which of course fits with the category of videos it showcases. When I feel like revamping the way that Upload the Download videos are displayed, this ‘UtDOS’ can be ‘updated’ – it’s like the channel has its own sneaky storyline in the background. I can’t say that many people would pay that much attention to it though. Hahaha.
Ben’s YouTube Channels
- BenjaminNelan – Personal
- Intelligic – Gaming
- Uploadthedownload – Technology
Benjamin Nelan
My Vlogging YouTube Channel where I post various sketches, online series, current video projects – featuring good old Neb. This channel was created in so that I could represent myself without a brand, and have a place to upload my non-tech related videos.
Created on May 6th, 2012
Upload the Download
My first YouTube Channel, Uploadthedownload, was originally created for uploading interface video tricks for mobile devices. It is now a technology YouTube Channel, producing a variety of content such as tutorials, tech news and reviews.
Created on January 23, 2009
I decided to create Intelligic, my Gaming Channel, as an excuse to play video games again. I used to put off playing video games because it made me feel like I was being unproductive. I started the channel with the intent of being Minecraft only.
Created on May 6th, 2012
Here’s an example of an Intelligic gaming video. Two feeds of video, with a graphic overlay for what I call the ‘Facecam Shell.’
In earlier Intelligic Gaming Videos this facecam shell was an animated, transparent MOV. Now it is a still, transparent PNG to save time editing and rendering. Intelligic videos, and now the majority of Upload the Download videos too, are totally template-based. I have a basic template laid out in Adobe Premiere that allows me to easily import new footage without having to align everything into the facecam shell each time.

Other Channels I Manage
- Food Fortress – Cooking Channel (In the works!)
Friends I’ve Created Graphics for
- Actuatedfriend – Gaming Channel
- SpewinRainbows – Gaming Channel
- James Warren – Comedy Channel
- JessDownham – Vlogging Channel
- SplashinDragons – Gaming Channel
- TheFestologist – Gaming/Vlogging Channel
- CraftySam – Gaming Channel
- TheWhafflez – Gaming Channel
Randoms I’ve Created Graphics for
- Luckyjeb33 – Gaming Channel
What Others Have Said
Best boot comparison video I’ve ever seen. +1
– Stephen Ritchie on Upload the Download
Was looking for some Linux stuff and I came across your channel. Nice and interesting videos! Subbed!
– akisey1 on Upload the Download
Definitely worth the sub. Got the info, the time, and the accent. All you need to succeed. ;D I’ll definitely be up to date with your channel. It’s informative and entertaining. Thanks a lot man!
– Lane Prevallet on Upload the Download