RuneScape ’08 Easter Event
RuneScape Easter Event.
The RuneScape Easter Event this year consisted of the players getting a cockatrice egg dipping in chocolate and hatching the egg to make a chocatrice.
Why you ask? Here’s the update straight from RuneScape.

“It seems that the problem-prone Easter Bunny is once again experiencing difficulties.
He’s spent so much time redecorating his warren that he hasn’t noticed the critters burrowing in and devouring his entire chocolate stockpile.
Now, devoid of cocoa stocks, the chocolate egg production has ground to a halt and the forecast for Easter celebrations look bleak.
No need to worry, though- the Easter Bunny is an inventive sort, and has come up with an
eggs-emplary new idea: use a chocatrice! These fearsome creatures,
incubated from a chocolate-coated cockatrice egg, can turn their targets into chocalate with one lethal, chocifying gaze.
It falls to you, then, to create this curious creature. You’ll need to track down some of the lost chocolate to make a chocatrice egg then carfully incubate it.
The ciritters who ate the chocolate are sealed in the Easter Bunny’s tunnels and will prove a suitable target for your chocatrice.
So, this Easter, you will come to that aid of chocolate lovers everwhere, incubating your own chocatrice, guiding it around the Easter Bunny’s tunnels and turning the greedy rats into something altogether more delicious . . . .”
But because the Easter Bunny had no chocolate whatsoever RuneScape players had to search around Falador, Dranor and Rimmington for the chocolate to dip the cockatrice egg in.
This is the Easter Bunny’s Warren and tunnels where the lower part is the tunnel which are rats and creatures that you must target with the chocatrice, the upper part is where the Easter Bunny and Incubating Machine is.

In the Easter Bunny’s Tunnels there is rats, mice, snails, cockroaches and spiders.
And to get the chocatrice to attack them your character says different things to make him angry. Note: The ____ is the character saying either rat, mouse, snail, cockroach or spider. Depending what creature you target. The sentence you say to make the chocatrice angry is random. Here’s the different sentences the players can say to make the choctrice angry:
“You see that ____ over there,”
“I heard it plotting to pull your feathers out.”
“It said you’re the ugliest creature it’s ever seen.”
“It said i must have dropped your egg.”
“It thinks you probably taste terrible.”
“It says it saw you die in the Lumbridge cow field.”
“It said you lost your tinder box and cried.”
“It says you still try to wear goblin armor.”
“It read your diary and said it was boring.”
“It said you’d probably get owned by a chicken.”
“It made up a song about you and it’s not very nice.”
“It said it’s going to chop you up to make a selection box.”
“It said it’s going to turn you into a chocolate cake.”
“It said you’re just a jumped piece of candy.”
“It’s threatening to melt you into hot chocolate.”
“It said you put it off chocolate milk for life.”
“It said you’re just an egg on legs.”
“It said you still burn shrimp.”
“It said you can’t even wear bronze armor.”
“It said your thicker than toffee.”
“It looks like it’s going to eat you.”
“It said it’s going to leave you out in the sun to melt.”
“It said it took you three months to leave Tutorial Island.”
“It said you couldn’t even do the Cook’s Assistant Quest.”
And when players finish the event they get a cape, new emote and Easter Eggs if they keep helping the Easter Bunny.
The eggs melt after the event.