What If Poem

I did this poem as humanities homework, I thought that it was a gutsy move . . . but the teacher loved it. So hence I’ll stick it up here for all those stupid copy cats that are too lazy to write their own.


A 14 line POEM BY BEN

What if our teacher was a witch? That if we forgot our homework her nose would twitch?

She’d say a few accursed words, and then we’d turn into fluttering birds.

Her eyes would stare sharply at us too, as she made our faces go slightly blue.

We would speed from the classroom in a leap, as her swift broomstick gave a sweep.

Off to our lockers we would go, as tiny horns began to grow.

For we had a big surprise, that we in fact, were devils in disguise.

We came along, the very next day; the moment we entered we saw our prey.

First we used our annoying chatter, making the loudest possible all-out clatter.

The teacher told us to quieten down; she received backchat from the class clown.

She took a step back, and then with a roar, blasted the class into a snore.

To the left she turned as she took a rest, her magic had worked, for the best.

Her eyes read comments from other teachers, describing the class as awful creatures.

Leaning back into her dark black chair, she had the feeling of being rare.

For no other teacher could control this class, but this great teacher could really kick . . .

Blog Updates

There are a few things that are going on.

1st is Ben A Ball GamerSpot has been put offline for awhile as it is being redeveloped with a brand new look!

2nd is the Calendar at the bottom of the posts, showing upcoming events to this blog and some HOPEFULs . . .

3rd is a HOPEFUL!!! The blog may recieve a brand new look!!! Thats right a complete re-themeing. If you would like to get a sneak-peek of what the new look will be like then head over to The Ben A Ball Test Blog, you haven’t heard of it before because I’ve hidden it. The Ben A Ball Test blog is where I test all widgets, themes, pictures etc. before sticking it to the main page.
Click Here to head over the the Ben A Ball Test blog and see how the work is going.
The Ben A Ball Test blog will only be avaliable for viewing for a short time, then it will be unaccessable until another time.



Does this world even exist?

Everyday, every hour. Every single second of your life.
Getting up walking around meeting all these people, all these animals.
Walking with the gravel crunching under your every step like the silence in a cold dark room. Take away the background sounds, what do you hear? A silence echoing sound crackling beneath you.
What is the point of all this? Why am I saying this? What is this posts purpose?

I could be awakening you, or just talking to myself in an endless eternity of madness.

All these things in your life seem so real, the water, the sky, the trees, the wind, the people.
But what is real? Real is when something is just something you have known since a young kid, your parents would tell you that the Thunderbirds or stuff like Powerrangers isn’t real, that it was made up, Fictional.
But if you were to grow up in an entirely different world, one where gravity pushes instead of pulls, one where the sky glows a dreamy red and the wind is never cold. One that the rain falls down hot and volcanoes erupt cold slippery ice.
To you, this would seem real. You would have grown up with it, your parents would have told you about stuff that was real or not. Eventually you would have been able to determine yourself whether something was real or not when you were old enough to.

But did you ever have the thought, maybe this world isn’t real. Impossile? No, for all you know you could be strapped into some machine somewhere in a misty lab.

“But I can feel pain and the water!” you may say, but how do you really know it’s real???
What you feel could be the machine controlling your senses by different zaps to your fingers.
You think you know what water feels like but if you grew up with it then you would think that’s what water feels like. It’s like someone feeding you Oil and telling you its maple syrip. You wouldn’t know if that’s what you grew up with, that was the knowledge you were told by the person.
Think, we could be in a simulation, everything around us, people, places. All simulated fake items, the world around you, fake.

What makes it even worse, you can hold someone and look them in the eyes and ask them if they are real. They will say yes, but if this is in the machine they would be telling you that. They don’t want you to know!

All the games, videos, trees. Could be all made up.

For those that are religeous it could tie in to, did you ever think that maybe you are the only human on the whole planet. Everyone else just a imagination, a dream someone that isn’t real, just instructed to do different things at different times.

I could have been instructed to write this. I could be a simulation, someone who isn’t real.

Or I could be the opposite, I could be sitting here in a whirlpool of sadness and confusion. The lonely human, the only one.

But it’s something you can never know . . .

Can’t Anyone Think?

This story may contain . . . no wait . . . does contain some coarse language, not that really wild stuff but average.

I am getting sick of the amount of people that don’t think, aways think that they own the spot and when you try to explain such simple logic to them they go “Shut up,” or “What ever.”
Do they even understand what you tell them? I gather that they don’t!

We were on the bus home today. I got on the bus and sat in the center next to my mate, another friend of mine sat in the seat opposite me next to a girl. She started using her feet to try and push him off the chair, then kicking and etc. Saying, “Get out of my chair,” when there are two seats! That is how a freaking bus works!!! You have a window seat on one side and another seat next to it. If everyone took up 2 seats each there would be no freaking room on the bus for anyone!!!
Then a girl and my friend’s sister chirped in, “Get off the chair Ashley, go sit over there!”
Ash refused, he didn’t have to move, this girl wanted to spread across 2 flaming seats.
Some boys got onto the bus, now these are your average, we’re grade 9 and 10 kids so we can do what we want. They are also stupid and tell Ashley to leave his seat.
One of them grabs him and pulls him from the seat but he sits back down again. The bus is now driving alone and we have the dimbo boys from the back saying, “Ash get the **** out of the seat!” we have the annoying duo saying, “Get out of the seat Ashley,” and we have the I Want To Spread Across 2 Flaming Seats girl poking Ashley in the back.
Ash’s sister is eating mandarin and is throwing the pips with the girl next to her at Ashley.
“Looks like I’m going to have to tell the bus driver that you are eating on the bus,” I say pointing at the NO EATING signs that are placed all over the interior of the bus.
For once someone did think, Ash’s sister stuck the food back into her bag. The girl that was fighting Ash for the seat asked her for a mandarin to squeeze onto Ashley. Too late, the food was in the bag.
Suddenly a tub of runny cheese-yogurt stuff whizzed past Ash’s head and splatted between me and the person next to me, going all over his polar-fleece jacket.
It came from the stupid people up the back that think they are older and better than everyone. Well guess what dimbos! Your acting like freakin‘ 3 year olds when you throw your food. Grow up for god sakes and act you damn age!!!
The tub of yogurty cheese stuff was chucked onto the floor by the person next to me, “I’m sick of this,” he said, having not been the only time that he had food thrown at him from the tweed-heads up the back.
“Get off the chair,” says the girl sitting next to Ash’s sister.
It’s bloody alright for her to push people out of their chairs in her little world, it’s alright for her to throw your bag away then push you out of your seat as you go to get it.
But the moment someone takes a free seat it is the worst freaking thing in the whole bloody world! Doesn’t she think? And there is no point reasoning with people like this, they don’t listen, they think whatever a stupid idiot throwing a tantrum. It is pathetic and shows weak useless thinking ability. It also brings in what I said in an earlier post, it calls in the ‘Boys are dumber than girls’ bull crap. Where girls mistreat boys because of facts put on a percentage of boys. A percentage of boys that social skills develop at a lower rate is not a bloody apply to all figure!
When it comes down to it neither boy or girl is smarter than each other, stupidity isn’t a gender thing! No one gender is smarter than the other! Social ability is not another word for stupid! And only a percentage of boys have social issues!
As we continue with the story.
Some low life picked up the cheese yogurty stuff and spread it all on a biscuit, then he smeared it all over Ashley’s backpack, which he had stuck over his head to protect himself from oncoming food.
Ash’s sister had called her mum! To tell her that Ash was trying to steal someone’s seat!!!
Bloody load of rubbish!!!
She handed the phone to Ashley to talk to mum.
He said that the girl was sitting on 2 seats etc and that his sister was just carrying on about nothing! Which she freaking was!

He was told off by his dad on the phone and got the ‘Shut up and just listen’ treatment.

I am sick of it, if Ash’s sister, ms I need 2 seats girl, the so called cool guys from the back of the bus and part one of the annoying duo had the brains to think! They wouldn’t have done stupid things! Telling Ash to get out of a bus seat that, no one was using, it was only when Ash sat there that the girl wanted him out. You don’t need 2 seats for 1 person, if she had thought of that the whole thing would never of happened and I wouldn’t be writing this story.

Try thinking of the situation, how stupid it is.

After reading this there are many things that may enter your mind.
If you are one of those girls that think boys are stupid and that I am just a loser throwing a tantrum you will probably think something crude and uncalled for.

If you are one of those boys that think you’re the ‘tough guy’ and you are reading this thinking me as a stupid nerd, a geek a weak pissant with a retarded thought pattern, then I would ask you not to talk of yourself that way. If you didn’t understand that joke, you are definately one of those boys.

If you are someone with a good thinking mind and understands what I am talking about and sees my point of view then you are a very good understanding person. You may not agree with everything that I have written but you see the point.


If you would like to ask something post a comment.
Tone it down on the swearing if you are going to post.

A Paradox of Thinking

Hello there!

Here’s some more things to add to the list of thinking.

Imagine nature, the trees, birds, waterfalls, the sun, space, etc . . .
But now think of us! We have computers that respond to zeros and ones, we have cars which use explosions to move along, we have huge chunks of metal weighing tonnes and yet there they are, flying through the sky. Now yes, you could think, so what.
But just think deeply, come to the sudden realiseation.

The human race never thinks to remember that we are infact animals. We are animals on this planet too, simply and obviously more evolved than other species.
But the thing that marvels me is all this technology. Think of it now, you are using a computer which is all these little wires connecting to different spots, that computer is recieving information from the internet cable or wireless, the computer is getting information from the internet which is all these different servers of online gobbly goop hosting all the memory sending it to different computers which comes to the computer as binary code which looks like this: 101010111010101010101011010101011101010101110101010101010101001001010101001
Then it reads it all, understanding it then decoding it into english which you are reading right now.
When you close the internet window the computer is sending a comand like the above binary.

Now think of another technology marvel, one that millions of people use today. When you listen to music through earphones or speakers have you ever thought what they actually are. Speakers are a piece of virbrating metal. Which virbrates in different ways to make different sounds.
Same with earphones, tiny pieces of metal inside those white earbuds that virbrate.

Now think of who the hell would have even thought about all this stuff!!!!
How on earth did the first digital device come up???
Who would have thought that plugging a few wires into different spots and the more complicated the wiring system and blah gobbly glop!!!

I cannot type it up anymore, my mind is going way to fast for me and I have no idea how I could explain my thoughts any more than I have.


See ya