Hi People,

I Was Recently Playing Runescape I Went Into A Cow Paddock And I Found This Cow. . .Level 222 Shocked At This I Saw Some Other Player Inflict 333 Damage. .

Then I Realised The Level 222 Cow In Front Of Me. . .Was Heading My Way.

The Cow Attacked Me And I Was Killed. . .I Don’t

Even Have 333 Health!!! Yet It Killed Me.

Then I Headed Back There And Tried To Tame One Of Them. . .

So Hey!!! I Am The First Rune Scape Cowboy! Yee Ha!!!

Christmas GREAT!!!

Hope you enjoyed your Christmas as much as I did.
Ahh . . . turkey for lunch gingerbread houses to look at and glowing lights of the christmas tree. Apart from that are the wonderful gifts! I was given many great things! I got something that I wanted! And not from ‘Santa’! from Nan! Along with that I got a new XBOX game and a camera so Ill be posting pictures probably and other funny things again i did get a comic maker on the Computer for Christmas as Well so heres my very first Program Comic.

Zombie NO-BRAIN Comic page-1 of 1