
I’d like to welcome you to Ben A Ball Developer!!!
Ever wanted to make your own software, games, snazzy cardboard structures, iPhone apps, iMac applications???

This is the place to do it.
Ben A Ball developer gives those that wish a chance to actually make their own software and so forth.
With video tutorials it makes it easy for you to make your own software, inventions and more.

So please enjoy.


Shock Utilities


Now this is something I like! For those that don’t have Windows Vista or a iMac this software will give you the power of Windows Switcher- From Microsoft Windows Vista or Expose from Apple iMac Leopard. Also there are other choices of looks and feels of the windows chooser.
This is a handy tool for people that have multiple windows open at once, Simply use the hot key or press the button in the toolbar and you can flick through all your windows easily.

??? ?? ???

Download it at this website all the details are on their website, you can download it in ZIP or EXE file. If you do not want to go to the website, scroll down to the bottom of this post to download it from this blog.


Another one of my favourites from www.docs.kr is Shock 4Way, which is a virtual desktop manager which allows you to have different applications running in different windows, Again you can change its appearance to the Apple iMac Leopard virtual window type theme, a cube theme and you can even assign different wallpapers to each window.
You can say be Chatting with MSN in one window while browsing the web on another.??? ?? ???

Download it at this website all the details are on their website, you can download it in ZIP or EXE file. If you do not want to go to the website, scroll down to the bottom of this post to download it from this blog.

Compatible with: Windows


File type: ZIP


Or download it at the proper website: www.docs.kr

File type: ZIP


Or download it at the proper website: www.docs.kr


Free Photoshop Software! Paint.Net!

Paint.net started off as a replacement for the Microsoft Paint software, but became much more. With photo editing abilities it nearly matches Adobe Photoshop and is free. Rotate images, cut, move and paste. Get’s some time to get use to the controls but in the end it’s worth it!

Above is a picture I made using Paint.Net
Compatible with: Windows
Size: 1.5mb-1500kb
File Type: ZIP, Inside is the install package
Publisher: Rick BrewsterVisit their webpage!
There you can download it.
Or you can download it by clicking ‘DOWNLOAD’ below.



Brilliant Software – Quick Media Converter

This is a brilliant software that I have tried and I admire.
It allows you to convert any media file (Almost any) into: a mov, avi, wmv, mp3, mp4, flv, xbox format, PS3 format, PSP format, Nintendo Wii format and more!

You can convert a music video, for example, into an MP3 format to listen to on your Mp3 player.
I have found that this media converter is better than those that you have to pay for. There is no trials or locked features either. Completely free and completely fantastic!

Have closer look at there software
At this website you can download it.

If you prefer to download it from this website then click the link below.

Download Details:
Compatible with: Windows
Size: 23.982 KB- 23 MB
File Type: .Zip
Publisher: Cocoon Software


This software is by Cocoon Software, They would really appreciate it if you would visit there website sometime.


Ben A Ball Cyber Blue Cursors

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~Ben A Ball Cursors~
Here are some snazzy Ben A Ball Cyber Blue cursors for your computer. With a blue selection, and awesome looking loading boxes. I will let everyone know that these are free cursors and they are prototype, meaning I’ve given them a go and fixed the errors I found with them but there may be a few others I have to iron out.
Download Details:

Compatible with: Windows

Size: 18KB

Type: .ZIP Compressed file

License: Freeware


These cursors were made using RealWorld Cursor maker.