BGTN S02 Episode 4 FINALE

Script And now . . . Today’s Show: The hidious scandal that is striking the nation, Everything being made in china and the fake copies. I pick on the ho ho-som man himself. We have…

The Not-So-Long Brain Debate

I cannot believe some of the people in the world these days, There are people that punch you, whack you around the back of the head. Mindlessly hurting you because they obviously don’t have the…

What If Poem

I did this poem as humanities homework, I thought that it was a gutsy move . . . but the teacher loved it. So hence I’ll stick it up here for all those stupid copy…

Blog Updates

There are a few things that are going on. 1st is Ben A Ball GamerSpot has been put offline for awhile as it is being redeveloped with a brand new look! 2nd is the Calendar…

Does this world even exist?

Everyday, every hour. Every single second of your life. Getting up walking around meeting all these people, all these animals. Walking with the gravel crunching under your every step like the silence in a cold…

Can’t Anyone Think?

This story may contain . . . no wait . . . does contain some coarse language, not that really wild stuff but average. Gawd. I am getting sick of the amount of people that…

Ben A Ball Music?

Hey people! Now just wondering, I had an idea that I could make a Ben A Ball Music section of the so far larger growing chain of Ben A Ball webblogs. But I would like…

A Paradox of Thinking

Hello there! Here’s some more things to add to the list of thinking. Firstly, Imagine nature, the trees, birds, waterfalls, the sun, space, etc . . . But now think of us! We have computers…

The Verbal Dispute

Because of a teacher this topic has been brought to my attention yet again. This time I have something to say about it, instead of leaving it for my mind to wander on yet again…

Shock Utilities

SHOCK AERO 3D Now this is something I like! For those that don’t have Windows Vista or a iMac this software will give you the power of Windows Switcher- From Microsoft Windows Vista or Expose…