Blog Under Redevelopment

Everyone!!! Listen!!!

Many of the Ben A Ball websites are unaccessable for the time being as they undergo a massive redevelopment. They are being done up with new themes and stuff and it may take some time before they come back online.

But never fear! There is stuff to prepare I’d better hurry off and get back to work!
When the update is done you all will be gunned.
(No don’t worry, soz, only thing that I could think of at the time that rhymed . . . If you have an idea feel free to comment and tell me)

When the update is released so will Ben A Ball Music and Ben A Ball Developer.



All in a Timely Manner

I’m not even going to bother pretending that I’m posting on a schedule here – unless ‘tri-sometimes-yearly‘ is a schedule.  Something tells me that if my blog was my source of income… I wouldn’t be…

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