NeWs! Episode 4

NeWs! Episode 4 was hosted in assembly on the 26th May 2011, featuring a 4 minute montage of the school triathlon a week/weeks before.
In Episode 4 of NeWs! We had the following:
  • Triathalon Montage
  • Smencils Ad
  • Canteen Line
  • Randomie – “Hallway Norway”
  • Real News, including: “Sorcery Killing” , “Sporting Miracle”, “Planking” , “End of the World, Whoops, we got the wrong date” 
Episode Screenshots:
Nothing there
This show was hosted by:
-Sam, Alex, Paul

End Of The World . . . This Saturday


I probably shouldn’t bother posting about it, because apparently come the morn, we’ll be dead.

There’s been a rumour circulating around the web that the end of the world, otherwise known as JUDGEMENT DAY was meant to be happening today at 6. That’s right, as if read off a Holy TV Guide, the TV Station producers of this nut-case channel have decided to change the showing time of their end of the world television program from the 21st of December 2012 to the 21st of May 2011. Today’s the end of the world? All I can say at the moment is that it’s 9pm, so they’re kinda running off-schedule.

Seriously? Whats up with people saying the world is going to end?

Do you want the world to end? Has the Days of our Lives series finally ended and you feel no reason to continue life? I mean come on, get over the world ending crap! The one thing that I don’t get is that all the people that keep coming up with these predictions of death and destruction, are religious followers, people who are meant to be trying to resolve conflicts, remove world hunger and bring peace among all.

“The end of the world? That’s not fair! I still have plenty of Farmville credits to spare!”

This prophecy (…not the one above…) comes from Christan radio host Harold Camping, who’s apparently spent a couple of years (and I’ve only heard about it now . . . because?) warning everyone that the end of the world will be on the 21st of May 2011, at precisely 6PM. Oh . . . well, that means that it’s not happening then . . . damn, I thought I’d just gotten out of a whole heap of homework.

Oh wait, no sorry, he said it will BEGIN at 6pm, so we could still be doomed. (BooYa!)

Apparently a massive earthquake will strike the earth, this earthquake will shake the graves of every buried believer on earth (sucked in to those who got cremated) and transform them into an amazing spiritual  being. They will then move on to live with God for all eternity.

. . . Yeah . . . Okay, so where’s the part about all of us dying? It just talks about all the believers running off on a rather long getaway (now that would be an exciting episode) , it doesn’t say something like, “Then all the rest of you will drop dead,” or “…and then’th you’th die’th by’th large’th thing’th.”

To think I’m going to have to put up with this end of world garbage for the next 20 odd years. Ahead of us we have 2012, 2039 and probably dozens of other end of the worlds’ that will jump out of no where.

Because the end of the world just does that, appears out of nowhere . . .



I’ll see you later.



An Above Storm

He screamed at the sky, a defined ruby red,

By cause of the wind, nothing seemed said,

His voice became faded, ground into a hiss

He gave up his screams, and clenched his big fists.


Though the rain had halted, all but an hour ago

The pain he was immersed in, was terrible and slow

He then reached over, covering ample wounds,

Give him more time, he’ll flare up again soon.


He lay down and waited, the next oncoming flame,

As if it sprouted it’s way, from a large lion’s mane,

Half of his body was cool, shaded from the light,

Calm and hidden, while the other part lives the fight.


Closing his eyes, he felt the cool air passing,

No longer a burning heat, a feeling, everlasting,

His heart beat was no longer, beating within it’s cage

As his faith grew stronger, he knew he had come of age



Hey guys, Ben ‘ere

So as you would know there’s been a lot of poetry being posted on here at the moment, so I thought I’d post this just to keep everyone in their place. Remind them whose boss. *Giggles*

Nah, they’re all brilliant, and I’m honoured to have such talent producing content for this site.

I’ll be posting one of my proper Blogs later on, probably on the weekend, or sometime next week. Just depends on what luxuries time gives me. Anyways, see you then.

Prioritise . . . Guys

Well, very weird, but interesting non-the-less.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but when the roads workers ‘fix’ a road, by covering it with a really thick sticky black liquid then sprinkling thousands of dangerously sharp fast-travelling gravel bits onto it like the 100’s and 1000’s on the top of a children’s pink fairy cupcake . . . it can tend to be a bit annoying . . .

Is it not just me? Or does that sound like the lazy attempt at fixing something, slap on a layer of sticky stuff with some gravel on top then it’s done . . . it’s only a road after all, and of course no one ever walks along this road, so it’s perfectly okay if the ground is covered in small sharp rocks which soon become fast-flying projectiles thanks to the motor vehicles that travel along it. No, but okay, I do understand that there’s a lot going on in the council chambers, lots of decisions and money to be arranged, especially lots of stupid roads built right through people’s property just because they ‘think’ it will increase the fluency of traffic travelling through certain areas. *cough* Kingston Bypass *cough*

Nah, so the gravel covered road didn’t bug me as much as it sounds like, I’m just using it as an interesting opener.

What I really found interesting is the prioritising the council folk seem to have planned out. There are electoral signs (“Vote Now!”) that get replaced the day after they are vandalized and yet we have road signs bent, roads cracked and distorted and speed limit signs on either side of the road giving two different values. [I’m not kidding, a one sign on either side of the road, one says 80 the other says 60″]

Isn’t it interesting that the political signs come first, then the road, then the signs . . . bizarre.

But the one thing that made my walk home interesting, is the gravel . . . well, apart from it flinging up into my face every time a car passed by. That sticky black stuff they cover in gravel looks like a liquid, it looks as though if you were to dip your finger into it I’d stick in so much you’d be lucky to see it again. Yet when you touch this sticky black stuff you find that it’s solid . . . and I find that a rather weird illusion.

The anomaly produced some pretty spiffy photographs too.

Well, catch you later folks!

The Move


Hello! Hello! Welcome! Do come in!

What do you get when you grab all the Ben-A-Ball Blogs by their . . . code . . . and slam them all together? You get this, the Ben-A-Ball website,

Now this may come as a bit of a surprise, considering the fact that the Ben-A-Ball blogs just went through a massive theme upgrade, then all of a sudden there’s another upgrade. I am sorry, but now, I’m really excited, and that’s all that matters.

This site all the blogs in one, so you don’t have to navigate through different websites, you have the one-stop-address and you’re here!

What’s the new?

  • Awesome new look, intuitive header and slider for the latest posts
  • More graphics, visual stuff, that make your mind go *swish!*
  • You can now sign up as a user to the website (well, not JUST yet)
  • Access to all the posts from the Ben-A-Ball Blog
  • Touch-Phone friendly, including iPod Touch, iPhone, Android phones
  • When you add to your iPod Touch or iPhone’s homescreen it becomes an application! That’s *swish* times 50!
  • Cool Ben-A-Ball Downloads (not just yet)
  • When you click on an image, it opens it up in pure awesomeness
  • +MORE! THAT I CAN’T really . . . name right now . . .

Put it this way, it’s AWESOME!
Plus this new site is actually a lot easier for me to publish stuff to, that means more content for you! I’m cracking away as we speak!

Enjoy folks.


The Activities of the Lively

Bonjour à tous!

Which is apparently French for “Hello everyone” . . . anyways.

Initially this thought struck my mind while walking home today, it was only until later in the afternoon that thought traveled back into my thoughts, whilst waiting for a video to render. [I’ve been the ‘editor person’ for a school news show, imaginatively named “NeWs!” that’s the video that what was rendering]

As I sat there watching the progress bar slowly sliding along at a pace of a nanometre an hour, I began to recall previous comments I’d received during the day.
Comments that involved the statement, “You don’t have a life,” and of course the main dish (the question), “So all you do when you get home is go on the computer?”
I find it rather crude, that today’s teenagers can take the mickey out of me for going home and going on the computer, when for the duration of the school day they have their phone stuffed away in their pockets or tucked alongside their genitalia, taking their attention away from their education, their future, just so that they can receive some silly text message along with the latest Facebook ‘goss.’
I’m personally not a big Facebook user, probably go on there for a few minutes a day, sometimes don’t go on for weeks on end, and I’m definitely not into texting, which in my opinion, is the biggest money (bull$@&%) scam out there, charging you money for the ability to send less than a handful of words, on a screen most often the size of a 50c piece. Me being a person that struggles to summarise, texting simply drives me batty; it is essentially degrading English and grammar by dangling a carrot labelled “Spell bad, pay less.”
But here’s where this post is really meant to be heading. What on earth do other people, you know, the ones with these so-called lives, actually do when they get home?
I can say for a fact that most the ‘peeps’ on Facebook probably get home and go straight on Facebook, then spend the rest of the night after that texting. I can most definitely say that some will get home and start playing video games, an entertaining, yet unproductive activity. Then there’ll be probably those that read a book, go to soccer training, or sit down and watch television till teatime.
As far as I’m concerned, only one of them is a productive activity, and sorry all those gaming fans, but it’s NOT the latest online co-op, whatever that may be these days, probably some role-playing, shooting load of mouse dung. 
The only productive activity I said there was soccer training and read a book. The reasons, is that if your planning on a future in the sporting industry well, this will help you. You’re actually learning something, improving at something! Whereas improving your ranks in a video game really isn’t going to teach you much, yeah sure you have the chance of becoming a world class professional gamer! . . . *sarc*. . . seriously though, they’re games, unless you’re a really good professional gamer (which would earn you about $16,000 a month) you’re not going to benefit out of it. I’m not saying video games are terrible, nor am I saying that the people who play them are terrible (they are =P [joke]), the fact that video games can effect you emotionally and entertain you is a great thing. But it’s when they’re played excessively that they become a problem, because then you end up with nut jobs who talk about them all the time. There’s a fine line between mentioning a game, and driving me gawd-dam-nuts.
Reading a book helps you improve English skills, which is good, because we need some opposing force to the fend off the ‘leet-speek’ syndrome which appears to be swallowing up all modern-day youth. So of course reading a book is productive, but as for sitting watching TV till teatime, the most you’ll get out of that is a few news headlines, but most likely whatever recording of MasterChef you have on your set-top box from last night. Again, like video games, watching TV allows you to unwind, relax, and it also can effect you emotionally. But as for being productive . . . well, catch my drift.
So why did I list all that? Well, actually I just kind of squashed it all into one big blob of words . . . it’s not really a list, but still. The reason for all that is so that we can compare with what I do when I get home.
“Going on the computer” isn’t just . . . Going on the computer, the variety of different things you can be doing on the computer is immensely large. I don’t waste my time on online flash games, everything I do on the computer is entirely creative and productive, everything I do results in me learning and developing better knowledge in how to do certain things, whether that be video editing and production, website design, blogging, game making, graphic designing, programming, music creation. All that I do, is in no way, pointless.

At the end of the day, you can’t criticise me, for “wasting” my time on the computer, when I can produce material that you can’t. If I were wasting my time, I would not be able to produce the videos, graphics, homework assignments, songs, or any of that to the standard that I do. Get it into your heads people, stop bagging out others because they’re more talented with technology and know how to do stuff you don’t, if you didn’t waste your time on facebook or watching television, you’d be able to do the same.
The things I know how to do using technology, also come into real life. I can produce good looking projects from the skills I learned designing graphics, being able to set things out in a way that looks nice, and as for spelling and grammar . . . I probably write more using the computer than I do by hand, simply because through typing my fingers can keep up the pace, and I don’t lose anything that I wanted to include in my written piece. Although, the downside of being able to relay information at a thinking-pace results in, sometimes, odd documents with a lot of different meanings, stories and thoughts crammed into combinations that don’t work.
Thanks for reading this blog, it’s good to know that there’s people out there that want to THINK instead of sit there with the computer screen flashing in their face as they click on coloured balloons and virtual restaurants.