Check Yes Juliet :3

Here Is Damo’s Favourite Song Song – Check Yes Juliet Artist – We Are The Kings Lyrics – Check yes Juliet Are you with me Rain is falling down on the sidewalk I won’t go…

Halo: A New Trilogy

Hello everyone, I was surfing the web a while ago and I came across one of the multiple websites on Halo 4. This website though, is really legit. It tells of a new trilogy of…

Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions

The graphics were awesome as it looked and felt like you were actually one of the Four Spider-Man characters. The sound effects of the webs being shot out of you were terrific and really life-like….

More photos

Howdy, heres some more of my photos,Please give me some feedback, Damo

Site Downtime

You know, currently this website has been undergoing some minor/major issues of disconnection (as in being unable to view it :/) The problem with this is that Ben has to try and get support for…

The Tasmanian Goverment has destroyed the education life

Lately there have been rumours of that there are schools that are going to be closed because of supposed loss of money. Pfft rubbish. Like that has ever been a viable excuse except for when stealing….

A Picture Says 1000 Good Old-Fashioned Words

Hey folks.   Once upon a time, at our school, not too long ago . . . our English class was ‘gifted’ with a relief teacher, who the entire class liked because he didn’t really…

The Lavatory and the Rain

Isn’t the rain relaxing? Other people hate rainy days, I mean who wants to sit inside whilst cold droplets of water pour down all around us making a terrible racket? I’ve heard heaps of people…

Facebook: The ‘Social’ Network

It’s passed it’s use by date, it’s finished, no longer associated with the purpose that it was created for, now a depressing wasteland of ‘wannabes’ and dreams. Facebook is the network that use to be…

iOS 5

Hello! Now I was a bit late to post this the other day, but I’m going to post it NOW. Basically Apple announced the release of iOS 5, Mac OS X Lion and their new…