“A Strange Day in July” – (My Version)

Hey all, I actually have a “short” story for you all today… enjoy… however I doubt that I’ll be reading this one out on Vlog My Blog.  Our English teacher recently asked us to write…

Generation Z.

Good day!! Just wanted to say hello. That is all. Thank you, from Fester. ________________________________  No. No no no. This is not the end of the post, I was only fooling you. Evil trickery I…

Bilbies VS Rabbits

Hello there! How’s it going people? Did you find many egg-shaped chocolate bars? Of course this is in reference to the Easter that hopped along last Sunday, bringing with it sugar and fats that make…


“Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands – and then eat just one of the pieces” – Judith Viorst  

Final Deciders

“It is not the voters that decide the result of an election, the people that count the votes do.” – John Staline

Future Vision

Despite the fact this post’s title is written in a way probably susceptible to having ‘meaning,’ it’s actually very literal.  Vision as in actual sight, it’s not to do with what I believe the future will…

NeWs! Compatible

Hello folks, Just a quick post testing a few new features of the website. First off you’ll notice that the Ben-A-Ball website has received a makeover, it’s now more compatible and less glitchy. It also…

Scribble’s Notepad 2.0

I’ve been working on this for a while, I have another version (2.1) coming out sometime in the near future as well, I was going to include the features from my current project file into…


“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci

Why Photographers don’t like Zorb Balling

I wrote this Story as a a part of my Creative Writing Class. I was handed the Homework last wednesday, and finished it about 10 minutes ago. I was working on this for literally no…