Hotel S***house

Verse 1: Went through years of hell To arrive in this hostel To describe this place as *** Would Be a compliment to it The vending machines are broken as far as I can tell…

The Student’s Guide to Being a Good Teacher

This post was written awhile ago, but not posted. . . my apologies, but that’s why some things may seem a bit weird.   Good day! Well, uh . . . no, actually it’s a…

The City of Fallen Angels

 Yes I know, I have been on a  posting marathon with this…….. anyway, this book is number 4 of the Mortal  Instruments  and it wasn’t as good as I thought it would be, as the previous…

Combat Arms – Review

Sporting a registered player count of over 5 million, Combat Arms is a free tactical online First Person Shooter by the company Nexon. Renowned for producing one of the world’s first graphic MMORPGs, Nexon gets its money by…

City of Glass

No, this is not a blog about a city made of glass. But that would be interesting if there was one, and someone threw a rock in the middle of it…….. Anyway, you may have…

New Features! Let me explain.

  Aloha! . . . oh wow, that’s how you spell it? I thought that the spell checker was going to throw a fitzy at me . . . oh, there we go, “fitzy” is…

The Mortal Instruments- City of Ashes

‘A story word I love’- Stephenie Meyer Hey Guys/Girls, whoever is reading this. As you may have realised, this post is about Book 2 of the Mortal Instruments series- City of Ashes. Here is the…

On a Day to Day Basis…..

Earlier, I tried to make a poll for this blog, but it didn’t work, as only admins are capable 🙁 So, what I am going to do is ask you a simple question, without the…

Wes Carr – Been A Long Time :3

Album Cover:                                   Lyrics: When I’m home, I take things for granted Always looking past the good things I wear…

Betsy :3

  Please comment and tell me what you think of my photos.