NeWs! Episode 3

NeWs! Episode 3 was hosted in assembly on the 12th of May 2011, originally it was going to be on the ANZAC day assembly, but it
wasn’t suited to the seriousness of the event.
In Episode 3 of NeWs! We had the following:
  • “How you should use the exercise equipment” Comedy sketch with Ollie and Narran, telling you all how you should correctly use the playgrounds equipment.
  • Randomie – Burger sketch – Featuring Angus and his . . . Angus
  • the Canteen line – Episode 3
  • Real News, including: “iPhone 5 Rumours” , “Flooding in Tasmania”, “iPad 2 released” , “Charlie Sheen’s Stand Up Comedy” , “Prince William planning the Queen’s Funeral” – The news reel at the top and bottom during the show also had other headlines.
Episode Screenshots:

Special thanks to Lionboy2006 on YouTube for granting us the permission to use his Lion video in our show. =)

This show was hosted by:
-Ben, Paul


NeWs! Episode 2

NeWs! Episode 2 was hosted in assembly on the 7th of April 2011.

There’s been heaps of comments, thanks again, and over 13 30+ people have clicked the ‘Like’ button on our Facebook page, the “Hippity-hop” must have done the trick!

In Episode 2 of NeWs! We had the following:
  • Sports Segment on the Rugby Team, (At the end of the day the announcements said, “The Rugby Team Movie Stars have training after school”)
  • Student Interviews, with the questions:  “Skydiving or pole-dancing” , “What was your most embarrassing moment” , “What do you think of Naplan testing,” “What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten,” and “If you were a chicken what would the colour of your first egg be?”
  • the Canteen line – Episode 2
  • Real News, including: “Southern Thailand Flooding – Crocodiles Escape” , “Faulty Surgery, Woman dies after surgery to remove a gall bladder, which had already been removed”, “iPad 2 released” and “Daughter saves mothers life in car” – The news reel at the top and bottom during the show also had other headlines.
You can read the news story scripts here:

  • 1. Last week an elderly woman, aged at 68, died after receiving surgery to remove her gall bladder, which had already been removed 10 years earlier. Ms Walden had her gall bladder removed in 1998, and just recently she was told that she needed to have the same operation again, to remove her gall bladder, according to the doctor who wrote the notes, he was “too busy” at the time of the first surgery, to add the operation to his notes. Investigations are currently being carried out to find out why the doctors managed to remove something, that wasn’t there any more.

  • 2. A Nine year old girl saved her mother’s life by grabbing the wheel of the car, when her mother lost control, her mother, aged 36, lost control of the car nearly colliding head on with poles on the side of the road, alertly the nine year old grabbed the wheel and swerved away from any collisions, before finally smashing into pine trees further on, the woman and her daughter received significant injuries, although had the daughter not intervened, could have been a lot worse.


  • 3. The Floods in southern Thailand resulted in a group of crocodiles escaping from a local zoo, three of the crocodiles in the zoo managed to escape during the floods that swept through, however 2 of these were caught right after they attempted to leave the zoo, the remaining crocodile is still said to be hiding out there somewhere, and zoo workers and local authorities are teaming up to find the last reptile. So far the floods in the south of Thailand have costed over $10 million AUD, and roughly 4 people have been killed.


  • 4. And hundreds of people gathered outside the Apple stores the other week to get their hands on the newly released iPad 2, the line stretched a couple of metres long, and by day two the iPad 2 supply has been twiddled down to a month waiting list.

This show was hosted by:
-Mikayla, Samantha


Next Episode 21th April ANZAC Special

Beings of Requirement

Welcome to another post of mine, for those just joining us, I’m Ben, welcome, welcome. Anyways this post I’m going to ‘talk’ about the rulers of this planet, the beings that have been able to take over the entire planet. It’s curious that a group of humans, without assistance of technology of any kind, wouldn’t stand a chance against a group of tiger, without the assistance of technology of any kind. But as it happens, tigers don’t use modern weaponry as it is anyway.

What’s the point of this?

Well basically humans haven’t taken the world over by strength, or by being the most sharp-toothed animal in the world, we’ve broken away from that train line that is the food chain, broken right away from the rules of the animal kingdom, and completely altered the natural course of Earth.

But this in fact, has, in my opinion, done more harm than good.

How? What? Why? When? Chicken?

So look at the rules of the animal kingdom, to survive you need to be strong, if your weak, injured or suffering from illness, you’re dead. If there is an animal dying of sickness, he’s gone, if an animal has a broken leg, foot or so forth, the chances are they aren’t going to make it, they’re gone. In a simple rhyme, if your weak, then your dead, if your strong, you move on. Because of modern medicines, law, restrictions that we have made to the way of life, to create our own way of life, we are weakening our entire population, our race will slowly be so weak, that even though we’ll be in our numbers, won’t stand a fighting chance physically.

Nowadays, most of the people that are alive today, probably wouldn’t stand a chance in the animal kingdom of the past. I would most definitely not be here, I would have gone a long time ago. The reason that most people are alive is all due to living conditions of the modern human race, meaning, the weak and the sick don’t die, in the old animal kingdom the weak and the sick are removed by elimination, slowly over time that particular breed of species gets stronger because the weak are eliminated, so the end result is a really strong race, because only the toughest of the race are still alive, “But that’s barbaric and animalistic,” No it’s not, it’s life.

Because of the fact we no longer die when we are weak, and don’t often die when we are sick or injured, our race accumulated a large percentage of weaker beings which normally wouldn’t be here. If we throw in a few years of mating and generations of humans, we’re slowly getting a weaker, weaker race. Also due to the fact that we use modern medicines, which in most cases just weaken our immune system by not actually teaching the body how to protect itself, over time our immune system will weaken so much, our survival will be dependant on medicine to keep us healthy.

But also lets digress a bit, and think about where we’re heading. In terms of evolution, the basic rule of par is that over time the species will adapt itself to suite it’s environment, and to suite the requirements of the world it’s living in.
I personally think as the human race as a parent to all these children, and many of these children have sub-childs and so forth. Or in other words, the The Human Race is the main species, but that species has many different types. Put it this way, there is fruit, that’s the ‘species’, and also classed under fruit there are apples, bananas, mango, kiwi fruit, pears and so forth. You get the idea.

Personally I think the human race is already extremely diverse, we have people with different skin colours, due to adapting to survive in hot places, we have people that are good at physical activities, possibly to get away from or fight off predators, we have people that are really good intellectually, people that are really good at visual stuff, and others that are really good at making noises. All these are obviously things that can be contributed to people actually doing these on a regular basis, but most of this is also contributed by genetics, and past bloodline evolution. Because of the fact we all face different living conditions, all of us are essentially a different child to the parent that is the human race, or in other words, not all of as are evolved in the same way, or for the same reasons. As confusing as this sounds . . .

For our entire race to evolve with the same skills and features as each other, we all have to be exposed to the same environments, circumstances, and living conditions. But this isn’t the case, we are all exposed to different things, there are those of us living in the rough, and those with everything at their fingertips, people with hunger, people with fear, it’s different for everyone. In order to evolve at the same time, or with the same skill set, “…we all have to be exposed to the same environments, circumstances, and living conditions…” in the modern age, what is one common factor in most of our lives? The one thing that most of us use on a daily basis. That thing, is technology, but what can this do to our race? How can technology impact our evolution?

Over great deal of humans will probably lose their long-vision eyesight, think of the devices we use, computers and mobile phones, these are devices that we use at close proximity to our eyes, our eyes are looking a few centimetres away. Over time we’ll probably evolve to lose our long-vision, because we simply aren’t using it as we once did, so it will no longer seem needed.

It’s a really large topic, but I don’t have the time to dig into this post any further, sorry folks.

But hope it leaves you thinking. 



“Quattuordecillion = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
It’s 1 with 45 zeros after it!”

NeWs! Episode 1

NeWs! Episode 1 was hosted in assembly on the 24th of March 2011, so far many teachers and students have commented on the show, talking about how cool it was.
Thankyou very much! The compliments just make us more determined to keep on going, bringing you entertainment each fortnight.

In Episode 1 of NeWs! We had the following:

  • Earth Hour 60+ Message
  • Student Interviews, with the questions:  “What kind mustard do you like on your chocolate sundae?” , “Do you scrunch or fold?” , “Pixies or Faries?” and “Did you know that Earth Hour is this Saturday?”
  • the Canteen line – Episode 1
  • Real News, including: “Rebbecca Black YouTube Fame” , “Breastmilk Icecream” and “Australians in Japan All accounted for” – The news reel at the top and bottom during the show also had other headlines.
The requested content for this episode of NeWs! was:
-Earth Hour (At request of Society and History/English teacher)

This show was hosted by:
-Alex, Paul


Next Episode 7th April

NeWs! It’s New!

Welcome to the next Comedy News show in development, it’s originality can be expressed in it’s name, NeWs!

The cast are Samantha, Alex, Paul, Ben and Mikayla and the show will be airing throughout Term One, with the first pilot episode to rendezvous on the 24th of March, 2011.

At this point the only info I can give you is that each episode will be about 5 minutes long, and it will be held each Assembly, every fortnight.

Away for Awhile

Hey all,

I just wanted to say, sorry about not posting, not really having any new content, for not doing anything for anyone, I’ve hit a rough spot, I think I’m getting myself out of the hole I’ve fallen into, but nonetheless.

You see I’ve had a lot to think about, heaps to do and I just can’t seem to see how I can do it, I’ve been rushing to update my programs Looper! and Eycon, which recently went up on Softpedia. It makes me happy to see that over 300 people have downloaded my software in the week that my software has been online, I’m happy for that, and I want to work to make that software better.
Along with programs, I have games in development which I’ve had to put on hold, hundreds of graphic photos that need to be edited for a special graphics pack to go on sale, along with school homework which teachers seem to know exactly when you’re already struggling, and decide to throw a bit more salt into the dish to see how it pans out. There is also videos I need to produce, I’ve been working on the scripting and working out the film set for my next series of BGTN or Ben’s Got The News but this has been made even harder to contribute to due to the fact my drama teacher has assigned me to do the filming and editing for a school news show every assembly, this means every fortnight I have to develop a news show and do all the filming, using up more countless hours. Along with dozens of other small tasks I need to accomplish.

If you’re a reader of this blog, then you would have been aware of this already, because you would have read one of my previous posts The Half-Mid-Life Crisis, unfortunately this ‘Half-Mid-Life Crisis’ has been going from that post all the way moment, it links up, but it’s been effecting me more heavily round this time. But that’s about to change. I want to come back.

The walls of this hole are getting muddy, slippery, they shine a silver slick white as the light from the top shines down the abyss, I stare up towards the light, I’m getting out.

Before getting into my ‘magical return’, I want to talk about some key features that have left me, and I dare say many others out there, in a depressed-hibernation state.
My problem is work and tasks build up, slowly as these tasks build up, and before I’ve finished the tasks I have more tasks are given, a lot like a particular teacher at school, with an obnoxious attitude towards a constant stream of school work, discipline and very little time. . . anyway . . . this instantly hits me with a sort of clogging effect, where I feel overloaded, and I become stressed.
This stress then keeps me from sleeping at night, it’s already hard enough for me to shut my brain down to go to sleep, but stress just adds more thoughts to the mix, sending my “Thought Cloud Continuum” into a swirling mess. I can’t sleep for hours, I went to bed early the other night but to no prevail, I still stayed awake till all hours. Then last night, I was awake right until 4:10am, I have to get up for school at 6:50am, so as you would guess, having a thoughtless friend asking me why I’m so ‘shitty’ is the last thing I need to hear, I had answered the same question the day before. There is more to this friend and why that story came to be but that is no conversation for an online blog.
Back to the ‘story’ as the day progressed, we had math, in which my loss of concentration resulted in me doing a whole two pages of work, that’s good, I got the answers right, but it wasn’t the section of maths work we were meant to be doing, so when the teacher said finish “the entire contents of question 6” I stood up and danced around and thanked him for the extra homework, and asked for more. . . . yeah right, no I was annoyed obviously, more stuff to worry about, an entire segment of math homework to complete, brilliant.

Ben’s Cycle of Work-Related Stress

The day went like this, sleep deprivation, stress and now, due to the sleep deprivation and stress, I now had a headache to add to the mix. Fantastic.

The basic message behind this, Work leads to stress – Stress leads to sleep deprivation – Sleep Deprivation leads to more work, which goes back to the start of the cycle, and intensifies to a stage of limbo, the uttermost stress that someone can be under, it’s a frozen spot, and this is at the stage most would call severe depression, this may even lead to sickness or death.

But how do I feel better now?

For start I’m going to get a goodnight sleep tonight, by thinking about having a goodnight sleep, in a positive attitude and with the thoughts that “I’m getting better” and that I’m “recovering myself” I’m basically using the placebo effect on myself, tricking myself into getting better, this requires me to completely believe that what I am doing is making me feel better.

But what really got me out of my cycle was the walk home this afternoon, I always walk home from the bus stop, its good exercise, and gives me time to reflect, except this time, it became symbolic.

Last week I had hurt my ankle, twisted/sprained it while playing around outside, I couldn’t walk on it, although I can walk on it now, but my foot still hurts when walking long distances or running about. While walking home this pain in my foot spiked, I could have stopped, but I saw the walk metaphorically, the walk home was me getting better, recovering, and the sore foot was trying to slow me down, it was all the work and stress, trying to stop me reaching my destination. So instead of slowing down, I kept going.

I hope this is the end of this streak for me.

I’m back.

And nothing is pushing me back down.

Thanks for reading, your attention is always welcome and admired,

Thank you
