Paranormal Activity – The Real-Life Version

Ever been to Port Arthur? You know, the massive all-male, maximum security prison on the Tasman Peninsula that closed back in 1877? Well, recently I got to go to Port Arthur on a school camp, with…

Cars: The Un-Animated Real Life Horror Film

Hey folks, just going to casually talk about how I nearly died yesterday! Well technically every time we travel in a vehicle we ‘nearly’ die, and the chances of dying or having the very being…

How to Lose a Girlfriend in 1 Easy Step

Before we start I need to clarify a few things.  First off I will not make a habit of writing posts about love and companionship, this is the first on the blog and it’ll probably…

How to Research a Game to See How Good it is

You see games in the shops, the ones that everyone are playing and you have seen the ad’s and heard about the gameplay and etc, then you think to yourself whats so good about this…

People Coming Out of Our Ears

Welcome once again to a rather concerning post, from a rather concerning author. In Society class the other week I came across some rather worrying information in an old Atlas.  Just like most other atlases…

Street Fighter X Tekken news

Street Fighter X Tekken is nearly upon us, with its cartoon-like graphics it will feature Street Fighter, as well as Tekken, hence the name of the game. It will come out on the 360 and the…

New Stuff! A fresh start+

Hello, how do you do!? So there’s going to be some big changes here, not changes that will force you to go explore and re-learn the website. Oh no, I think I’m done with the…

The Joke, The Solution, The Consequences.

Hey everyone, girls and guys alike! Welcome to the new school year, some are Grade 10, 9, even 11 in some cases (if you are going to college). I was sitting in English today, thinking…

Blaise-666 ~ My deviantart account

Hey Guys! If you have a deviantart account you should check me out and possible give me a watch? Here is the link to my page : Thanks 😀