Enough Warnings

Haven’t posted in awhile, but in that time I’ve built up a few really painstakingly angry thoughts.

*Da da da! Welcome to Ben’s Current Angers, on todays show . . .*

Heh, no not like that.

I’m angry with smoking, drugs, and all the other stuff that can obviously KILL YOU.
Anyone with a brain can see that, and before some drug-hardened psychedelic dimbo decides to comment with a low-vocab sourced complaint about me saying that YOU HAVE NO BRAIN I’m just going to make it perfectly clear that I’m right and you’re wrong, get over it.

What is the most annoying thing is the attitude you get from these people, many of the people that smoke and take drugs take them because of the health risks, they want to look ‘cool’,’tough’ and ‘strong.’
See how cool and tough you look when you’re riding in the back of the ambulance you ignorant fools, the last thing you’ll be snuffing up is your stupid choices waving like a surrender flag in front of your blood sore eyes.

Obviously not all drug takers are evil, some are struggling with a serious problem, what I can’t stand is the ones who take it for the reputation and ignore your warnings.
They’ll ignore you or call you weak because you don’t smoke or take drugs.

Smoking however is another story, again, maybe not the equivalent of Lex Luthor, but still ignorance at it’s greatest.
They pay money, to die.
All you have to do is stop, use will power and don’t take them, if you seriously want to save yourself, do something right. Use your mind and stop.

As for all you ‘cool’ ignorant twits that think ‘it won’t kill me’ or you don’t care about the health risks, stuff you all, If you want to look cool by killing yourself in wallet and lung then thats your stupid choice.
You’ll have a long time in hospital to think about your choices.

Until next time.


(Who doesn’t display his home address for a good reason)

Woops! Friday Mobbles!

Okay, before you say. “What on Earth is Mobbles!?”
Let me tell you about the end of the day . . .

Apart from having a gluggy Friday, and possibly the worst arranged lesson periods out of all the other days. The afternoon was alright . . . Except.

I think I may have given my English teacher the impression that I’m under the influence of BEN 10. Gah!
I would never allow myself to be attached to such a childish shifty-eyed over-dramatic looney! No offence Cartoon Network, but I think the character is an disgrace to all Bens’ everywhere.
Ben A Ball is not at all influenced by BEN 10, Ben A Ball has been around far before BEN 10’s rein of Ben reputation destruction came apon the Earth.

The word ‘Mobbles’ is my new made up word. It is mind and boggles mixed together.
It’s because when something bugs me I often sit there in a boggle thinking about it with my mind. (Duh, what else would you think with?)

The other thing that happened on the bus was some smart-alec was asking everyone “Which weighs more? a kilogram of rocks or a kilogram of feathers.
Many people were tricked by this ‘tricky’ question.
Everyone he asked said that a kilogram of rocks weighs more . . .
He soon shut up however after he asked me, lets just say he didn’t expect anyone to say ‘Neither’


Since I talked about Ben A Ball being around longer than the accursed Ben-demolishing-cartoon-of-terror. I’ll tell you how it started.

In case any of you were wondering.

Ben A Ball started back when I was in Prep, which is a fair time back, I was living in Launceston at the time.
Anyways, how the name came about I’m not quite sure, I think that Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh had some influence on the name, don’t ask how but I recall making my own trading cards, (scribbled pictures on paper with no text) and I called the cards ‘Ben-A-Ball’ Trading Cards.
The basic wording, Ben, a and Ball sound very Prep-like, makes this whole blog seem like a bit of a joke now, heh . . .
Continue Ben!
It then started up as an imaginary game, I’ve always liked imagining, since I didn’t have any friends really in playgroup, kinder or into the start of prep, I had always played by myself using imagination to keep me entertained.

Hence the disturbed, up-himself sounding character I am today . . . Nah . . .*Shifty Eyes*

Ben A Ball was an imaginary game where my and my (other disturbed) friends would imagine that we were protecting the world from aliens, parasites and pure evil of some weird made up villain called, “CooCaaCooCaa”
Something tells me that I had consumed high doses of red cordial the day I came up with that name for an evil villain . . .
The name of the game became MY nickname, which was slightly odd. But I didn’t complain.
I played Ben A Ball roughly up until Grade 6, even when I moved schools in the end of Grade 4 the game of Ben A Ball was not halted.
By Grade 6 it seemed that no one was disturbed or looney enough to want to play such a reputation-costly game.

So the game ended, but the story continued.

In my mind ever since the world that I knew still goes on,
Alas it has been tuned out of my personality,
But still is very much a part of me.

Sorry for this rather weird post readers, it’s rather different to my other posts.

Until next time.

See Ya!


Life Ruined? Oh please.

Okay, I’ve about had it.
I’m sick of everyone being way, way too over-dramatic.
Yes all you people on MySpace are the main target of this post, I
can’t believe you.

Why do you people say that your life is ruined?
Well from what I’ve read it’s because ‘people don’t like you’ or ‘your
boyfriend or girlfriend broke up with you’ or ‘you can’t get a
Gawd, you people need help.
Because your worlds revolve around relationships, around ‘Needing to
be popular’ about people ‘needing to like them.’

It’s not the end of the world!
Your life isn’t over just because someone dumps you, cos you think
no one likes you.
Half the time people do like you! But a few people aren’t enough for
you! You need everybody to like you! Life doesn’t work that way buster
so deal with it!

And as for girlfriends and boyfriends! Many of you have had 8 even 12
already! Some people haven’t had any and they are happy as can be.

The main problem here is that many of you have meaningless
relationships, only going out cos you thing you have to, heaps of
people go out for a day or a week and stop. Classic examples of
meaningless relationships.

The relationship has to be genuine for it to be emotionally efficient.
Meaningless relationships lead to being emotionally depressed.

Grow up,

Get a life and stop having to rely on other people for you to be happy!

I think I’m done now,


Microsoft’s Security Essentials

Ever since Microsoft released Windows, the most virus prone operating system out of them all, users everywhere have panicked, worried and screamed in frustration at their virus infested computer.

Could Microsoft’s new free anti-virus software Security Essentials be the angel that Windows needs to haul it from the depths?

Microsoft released this not that long ago, it replaces Windows Defender, which, let’s face it, kind of annoyed most of us with it’s constant warning messages and over-the-top detection.

Microsoft seemed to have fixed all that with Security Essentials, it’s lightweight, efficient and I found, picks up stuff that my paid anti-virus does not.

Many people may be suspicious at first, seeing as their last Microsoft purchase wasn’t exactly all up to par in the ‘computer resources’ department, but I can assure you this works surprisingly well.

Compatible with: Windows

Type: EXE

Download it here:

Punk Software’s Rocket Dock!

I’ve been using this program for years!

Shame on me for not telling you sooner!

One of my most favourite and most used apps ever.

It is a bar that looks like the Mac dock on the bottom of the screen, but better..

You can place it at the top of the screen, like mine, to the left, to the right, or on the bottom.

There are hundreds of awesome themes for it plus! It runs smoothly, I find that when the Windows taskbar vanishes for some reason I can rely on RocketDock.

Perfect software, can’t believe I didn’t think of sticking it on here sooner.

Check out there website:

Best of all, it’s freeware.

Compatible with: Windows

Size: 6.2 Megabytes


Download it here:

You won’t regret it!

Sun Microsystem’s VirtualBox!

I’ve been using this recently, and I love it!
It is simply outstanding.

For those that don’t know about computers much, let me explain.

Every computer runs an operating system, without an operating system it’s just a box of fancy cords, and spinning drives.

One of the most common operating systems is Windows XP, you may very well be using it at this very moment. It’s the one with the button in the corner saying ‘Start.’

Then there is Linux, which there are many, many different versions made by different people. Two examples of some of the most popular Linux systems are Ubuntu and Mandrivia. Plus Linux is FREE! Most Linux systems are OpenSource and free to download.

Then there is the Mac OSX, which is legally only allowed to run on a Mac computer. But I stuck it here as another example of an operating system.


What VirtualBox does is lets you run Multiple operating systems on your computer.

To your right is a picture of my themed Windows XP desktop with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.10 running on my computer.

Why would you want to do this?

Firstly it makes your computer very compatible, you can run Linux programs, new Windows 7 only programs like the new Movie Maker.

Secondly if you are thinking of upgrading or changing your computer’s operating system you can test it before installing it fully.

For those that have no idea about operating systems, and barely can use what they have, don’t bother with VirtualBox, it’s really only for people that know how to use computers . . .

The best thing is that VirtualBox is for all the operating systems, If you have a Mac you can use it, if you have Windows you can use it and if you have Linux you can use it.

It’s recommended that you have at least 2GB of RAM (Random Access Memory) to use this.

Compatible with: Windows, Linux, Mac

Download it at this website:

SIZE: 70 Megabytes

Here’s a list of the operating systems mentioned in this post:

Windows XP

Windows 7


