Lead Me

Take my hand dear child, and i will lead the way, to a place of desires and mystery, take you from this world of decay. There shall be rainbows at every corner, colour will fill…

The Move

  Hello! Hello! Welcome! Do come in! What do you get when you grab all the Ben-A-Ball Blogs by their . . . code . . . and slam them all together? You get this,…

The Activities of the Lively

Bonjour à tous! Which is apparently French for “Hello everyone” . . . anyways. Initially this thought struck my mind while walking home today, it was only until later in the afternoon that thought traveled…

NeWs! Episode 3

NeWs! Episode 3 was hosted in assembly on the 12th of May 2011, originally it was going to be on the ANZAC day assembly, but it wasn’t suited to the seriousness of the event. In…

NeWs! Episode 2

NeWs! Episode 2 was hosted in assembly on the 7th of April 2011. There’s been heaps of comments, thanks again, and over 13 30+ people have clicked the ‘Like’ button on our Facebook page, the “Hippity-hop” must…

Beings of Requirement

Welcome to another post of mine, for those just joining us, I’m Ben, welcome, welcome. Anyways this post I’m going to ‘talk’ about the rulers of this planet, the beings that have been able to…

NeWs! Episode 1

NeWs! Episode 1 was hosted in assembly on the 24th of March 2011, so far many teachers and students have commented on the show, talking about how cool it was.Thankyou very much! The compliments just…

NeWs! It’s New!

Welcome to the next Comedy News show in development, it’s originality can be expressed in it’s name, NeWs!The cast are Samantha, Alex, Paul, Ben and Mikayla and the show will be airing throughout Term One, with…

Away for Awhile

Hey all, I just wanted to say, sorry about not posting, not really having any new content, for not doing anything for anyone, I’ve hit a rough spot, I think I’m getting myself out of…

Eycon 1.1 – USB Customiser

Hello! Just finished version 1.1 of Eycon, my free program that allows you to customise your USB icons wherever and why-ever you please. I’d like to thank all those people that downloaded Eycon on Softpedia,…